To get the big question out of the way, there are 53 games in Sega Genesis Classics and the complete listing is Alex Kidd in the Enchanted Castle, Alien Soldier, Alien Storm, Altered Beast, Beyond Oasis, Bio-Hazard Battle, Bonanza Bros., Columns, Columns III: Revenge of Columns, Comix Zone, Crack Down, Decap Attack, Dr.

Now the time is upon us for the current generation players to get their hands on antiquated Sega titles through Sega Genesis Classics. First there was the Sega Genesis Collection on PlayStation 2, then Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection for PlayStation 3/Xbox 360 and ironically enough Sega 3D Classics on Nintendon’t 3DS.

Each iteration has some differences but they’re essentially the same where it matters. This is evidenced by the fact that every few years a newish collection of Sega Genesis games is released for the current console generation. While the annals of history may reflect more fondly on the 16-bit console with the mustachioed mascot, there was no shortage of good games on the console that boasted blast processing that could do what that other console don’t.

In the era of 16-bit games the Sega Genesis was a major player in the home console market.